Our family owned firm focuses on solving / resolving IRS debt problems as well as managing tax returns & books for individuals and businesses.
For Over 40 Years we’ve provided aggressive strategies to manage our clients’ IRS debt, making it more affordable, providing reduction opportunities, or, best case scenario, totally eliminating it all together.
Gerald Yarborough is a certified public account (CPA) & David Yarborough is a licensed Enrolled Agent (EA). Based in Charlotte, NC and with regional offices throughout the Southeast United States, our firm Tax Resolution Services, has helped individuals and small business owners for over 30 years reduce significant IRS tax debts. Depending on the situation, we can help you to manage your IRS tax debt in a number of different ways. Our firm is comprised of a team of licensed Enrolled Agents, former IRS agents and other experienced tax professionals who specialize in assisting clients with their IRS tax debt problems.
As former IRS Agents & CPA’s, our founders David & Gerald know how to deal with the IRS and can help immediately bring you peace of mind while then preparing a plan of action to manage, reduce or even eliminate your tax debt. Contact Us Today to learn more and find out how he can help.
Our Most Frequently Asked Question – What’s the Difference between Enrolled Agents, Tax Attorneys & CPAs
“An architectural and engineering company owed approximately $1,022,000 in delinquent employment taxes (Form 940/941). My team immediately implemented a strategy to control the IRS collection action and formulated a plan and strategy that reduced this large tax liability to approximately $450,000, still a lot of money, but a huge saving for this company’s owner. The company avoided being devastated by this overwhelming tax liability and it continues to serve its customers today.”
“That’s right, this businessman owed the IRS $1,049,254. He had a very successful business that had fallen on some hard times. The IRS was actively pursuing this businessman to collect the tax debt. First, my team implemented a plan to get control of the IRS collection activity and stop any further harmful action. The next step was to implement a strategy that resulted in a settlement with the IRS for $17,508, a $1,031,746 reduction ($1,049,254 reduced to $17,508) for this businessman. He definitely sleeps better at night now.”
“A physician in Atlanta, GA had an employment tax (Form 940/941) delinquency. His medical practice had gotten behind with making their payroll tax deposits and owed approximately $261,000 to the IRS. My team implemented a plan to control the IRS collection action, and to allow the physician to pay the IRS a total of $19,217 to solve this tax delinquency.”
“This corporate executive owed the IRS approximately $110,000. The IRS had garnished her paycheck and had taken $7,000 of her $8,500 salary for one month. Needless to say, this left her extremely distraught. My team formulated and implemented a plan that caused the wage garnishment to be released by the IRS and negotiated an installment agreement of $1,000 per month for this corporate executive.”